poems about animal cruelty

Animal cruelty Poems Modern Award-winning Animal cruelty Poetry : All.. Poems / Animal cruelty Poems The best poetry on the web Newest Orense Follow 7 months ago rescue horse rescue horse how he leans into my hand but still bolts sometimes with remembered pain 15 words contest Brevity... 15 words or less. Swanlee © 7 months ago, Orense Nicod brevity • animal-cruelty • horses Read more → Like ( 4) 3

Animal cruelty Poems Modern Award-winning Animal cruelty Poetry : All.
Animal cruelty Poems Modern Award-winning Animal cruelty Poetry : All. from pm1.narvii.com

Hey- look there's a clown, A juggler and an acrobat, The circus is in town. A proud lion paces in a cage, Fierce frown upon his face, Arrogant but trapped by bars, He hates the human race. Long ago when just a cub, Roaming wild and free. A land so vast with endless plains, The ideal place to be. One fateful day men came with guns


